My internal debate to expose my spiritual views met with resistance from the smarter of my two selves. "Who cares what you think? The point of your internal "journey" isn't to go spread your insights. The insights are for you," the voice reminded me.
"But how can I give my heartfelt wish and blessings which are intricately connected to the cycle of Earth energies which brings out the bunnies (literally) in our back yards, the tulips in their glorious robes, the many buds of trees in a rainbow of pastels--and a philosophy that actually embraces and celebrates a "rising" of what I'll just agree to call Christ Conscioiusness?," I defended, being the ever stuborn debator.
So first with the confession. No I'm not a Christian. Crucify me. My bad. Pray for me and thank you for your concern. Honestly, if when you find out that I'm not a Christian and you want to go pray for me to save me from the pit of the devil and banishment from the eternal salvation and paradise of the dead, then my heavens--THANK YOU! It is such a sweet thought. And if you truly harbor concern for me in that way, you are blessed. Blessed to care for a fellow human. I hope you care for the bunnies as much, and the trees, and our poor distraught Mother Earth who presently is in such peril.
You know as I mowed the lawn (with my motorless, fuel-less, dispenser of green house gasses-less) push mower yesterday, and saw the remnants of "our" squirrel's walnut lunches, and felt the SPIRIT of our flowering crab tree, trimming little grass hairs at her feet, I realized that all of us, which are living in this time--the bunnies and their families, the entertaining squirrels (we have two, I watch them all the time), our plants, our towering walnuts, my neighbors, all global citizens are really spirit. It is an important time to realize this. We need to all be working together right now, and especially asking the spirits of the squirrels and bunnies and trees to support us in our effort to come together as one living organism.
I like to think of God as consciousness because it is consciousness which is alive in us. As to the matter in us, the molecular material, it is alive in a different way. It (the matter) changes by the split of the second, in accordance with the planetary dance and cycle of the universe, and taken as a whole, each separate bio-individuals are "aging" or dying (declining--however you want to think about it, but in a process of dust to dust). But there is a non-aging part of us, of everything, which is exactly as it was and ever will be. The Beatles liked to just call that thing LOVE. I really haven't seen that far into the mysteries to know whether LOVE is all encompassing enough, but I like to think it is.
I don't know the whole story about the dude. Did Mathew, Mark and Luke (John's version is the most different) have some political agenda? Maybe. Did they get their stories from a verbal tradition based on facts of some water walking super hero? Hmmm. OK, Maybe. I say maybe because really inside me, I go no to that one. But again, who's to say. And does it really matter? If some cat like that was really out there making sick people well and even bringing back the dead--righteous! Right on. Go Super Jesus.
Has he stood at the foot of my bed, in a way that there is no question and said, "Get your shit and come with me--we're going to go work miracles?" No. At least not that I recall. And I would tend to think that the dude who my wife and daughter are in church worshiping right now would easily have that power. The fact that he hasn't done that and doesn't work that way makes me wonder, "Well, why wouldn't he, if that is his schtick?" I mean, what's stopping him?
Sorry, didn't want to get in to all that. But there are some nuggets in those books. Like some really nice, nice stuff. As good as you can find anywhere. Including in the Old Testament. Some breathtaking wisdom and beauty not even surpassed by Shakespeare.
One of the really cool sayings attributed to the Jeezmeister is this one. "Before Abraham, I am." Those four words are packed. Like with volumes. For one thing they work like a Zen Koan. You sort of go, "Whaaa?" Smack. It is one of those slaps, or blasts of cold water slung in your face. Meant to wake you up from this lazy dream. So if there was a dude who said that, or if it was just a bunch of writers saying it through the character they invented, then I say it was the same author. And here you Christians...I'll even submit to your suggestion. It was written by GOD. But I've already ruined my pious reputation by explaining my view of God, which is even more twisted than my view of the SuperJeez, according to the world view of most Christians.
"Empty thyself and I shall fill thee," is another jewel by the thorn crowned Maestro. Oh Holy Sweetness. What rapture and beauty lives in that concept. We are so full of SHIT, most of us, especially me, that it is of radical importance that I empty myself of all that clutter. And to be filled with beauty and LOVE and the undying spirit of... Christ Consciousness (for lack of a better phrase for this particular blog entry,
"But how can I give my heartfelt wish and blessings which are intricately connected to the cycle of Earth energies which brings out the bunnies (literally) in our back yards, the tulips in their glorious robes, the many buds of trees in a rainbow of pastels--and a philosophy that actually embraces and celebrates a "rising" of what I'll just agree to call Christ Conscioiusness?," I defended, being the ever stuborn debator.
So first with the confession. No I'm not a Christian. Crucify me. My bad. Pray for me and thank you for your concern. Honestly, if when you find out that I'm not a Christian and you want to go pray for me to save me from the pit of the devil and banishment from the eternal salvation and paradise of the dead, then my heavens--THANK YOU! It is such a sweet thought. And if you truly harbor concern for me in that way, you are blessed. Blessed to care for a fellow human. I hope you care for the bunnies as much, and the trees, and our poor distraught Mother Earth who presently is in such peril.
You know as I mowed the lawn (with my motorless, fuel-less, dispenser of green house gasses-less) push mower yesterday, and saw the remnants of "our" squirrel's walnut lunches, and felt the SPIRIT of our flowering crab tree, trimming little grass hairs at her feet, I realized that all of us, which are living in this time--the bunnies and their families, the entertaining squirrels (we have two, I watch them all the time), our plants, our towering walnuts, my neighbors, all global citizens are really spirit. It is an important time to realize this. We need to all be working together right now, and especially asking the spirits of the squirrels and bunnies and trees to support us in our effort to come together as one living organism.
I like to think of God as consciousness because it is consciousness which is alive in us. As to the matter in us, the molecular material, it is alive in a different way. It (the matter) changes by the split of the second, in accordance with the planetary dance and cycle of the universe, and taken as a whole, each separate bio-individuals are "aging" or dying (declining--however you want to think about it, but in a process of dust to dust). But there is a non-aging part of us, of everything, which is exactly as it was and ever will be. The Beatles liked to just call that thing LOVE. I really haven't seen that far into the mysteries to know whether LOVE is all encompassing enough, but I like to think it is.
I don't know the whole story about the dude. Did Mathew, Mark and Luke (John's version is the most different) have some political agenda? Maybe. Did they get their stories from a verbal tradition based on facts of some water walking super hero? Hmmm. OK, Maybe. I say maybe because really inside me, I go no to that one. But again, who's to say. And does it really matter? If some cat like that was really out there making sick people well and even bringing back the dead--righteous! Right on. Go Super Jesus.
Has he stood at the foot of my bed, in a way that there is no question and said, "Get your shit and come with me--we're going to go work miracles?" No. At least not that I recall. And I would tend to think that the dude who my wife and daughter are in church worshiping right now would easily have that power. The fact that he hasn't done that and doesn't work that way makes me wonder, "Well, why wouldn't he, if that is his schtick?" I mean, what's stopping him?
Sorry, didn't want to get in to all that. But there are some nuggets in those books. Like some really nice, nice stuff. As good as you can find anywhere. Including in the Old Testament. Some breathtaking wisdom and beauty not even surpassed by Shakespeare.
One of the really cool sayings attributed to the Jeezmeister is this one. "Before Abraham, I am." Those four words are packed. Like with volumes. For one thing they work like a Zen Koan. You sort of go, "Whaaa?" Smack. It is one of those slaps, or blasts of cold water slung in your face. Meant to wake you up from this lazy dream. So if there was a dude who said that, or if it was just a bunch of writers saying it through the character they invented, then I say it was the same author. And here you Christians...I'll even submit to your suggestion. It was written by GOD. But I've already ruined my pious reputation by explaining my view of God, which is even more twisted than my view of the SuperJeez, according to the world view of most Christians.
"Empty thyself and I shall fill thee," is another jewel by the thorn crowned Maestro. Oh Holy Sweetness. What rapture and beauty lives in that concept. We are so full of SHIT, most of us, especially me, that it is of radical importance that I empty myself of all that clutter. And to be filled with beauty and LOVE and the undying spirit of... Christ Consciousness (for lack of a better phrase for this particular blog entry,
on this particular Easter morning,
on this particular year three years prior to the Easter that will precede December 11, 2012 by exactly 237 days,
on this particular phase of peak oil,
on this particular phase of the ice cap melt,
on this particular time of our evolving consciousness as a human civilization,
on this particular time which SPIRIT consciuosness DEPENDS on human awareness--
(IF it is important to survive as a species, all those animal spirits for the first time in the history of our planet actually depend on the correct choices we make to secure a chance for our great great grandchildren to wake up to bunnies in their backyard, smile as they find the empty walnut shell, merge with the spirit of the flowering crab tree, observe the migration of the whales, breathe the sweetness of clean air),
is such a better thing to be filled with. Wow. Certainly, give me a fill up (would you mind touching up the windshield?).
So let us all push open that vault and move the huge stone so that we can discover that Christ Consciousness has risen! And let us dance and sing for we are welcoming the new day!
Praise God!
So let us all push open that vault and move the huge stone so that we can discover that Christ Consciousness has risen! And let us dance and sing for we are welcoming the new day!
Praise God!
Happy Easter my brother.
ReplyDeletewow, what a manifesto! May we all be as good as you are, Dub.
ReplyDeleteHey I think sharing your spiritual thoughts and ideas puts a great energy into the world. You go, darlin'.
Well done, you!