Monday, May 4, 2009

It's been a long time comin'

When I looked today at "Broomsticks", it was apparent to me that some time has passed since I dropped in to see what my friends have been thinking about, and sharing with our little gang of thieves. In words of the venerable outlaw Willie Nelson: "ain't it funny how time slips away".

I have been so absorbed in my own obsession, that I have neglected a transcendental truth. To borrow a quote from one of my favorite authors, "don't fuck around with friendship". Powerful words; and cause for me to reflect. I suspect, no, I'm sure, I'm guilty of fucking around with friendship, and I am pledged to being a better friend to those that call me friend, in the time I have remaining. You've got a friend... sing it James.

One final attempt to assuage my guilt. Oddly related to the subject of time, and it's passing, I have given some thought to certain elements of quantum mechanics that suggest that the universe is not static, but vibrates at the speed, (or more appropriately, the frequency), of light. Our reality literally comes and goes so rapidly that we, the observers, cannot percieve the "off" condition. One school of thought suggests that is that 'space in between' where our true conciousness dwells. I have been trying to focus more of my energy on that space in between. Note to friends - if I seem to you to be somewhere else, I probably am. Bonk me on the head and I'll return - or better yet, join me in between.



  1. Hey Rick. Thanks for the generous assurance and don't worry, those reflections weren't meant to be directed toward anyone. It is just that our blog won't muster traffic. You and I can always send email.

    You couldn't possibly endanger our friendship by something as innocent as being busy or for that matter losing interest in this blog (which you didn't do but my point is that even if you did, our friendship wouldn't be at risk).

    It is amazing to me to see how much you can pack in so few sentences, especially as it relates to these last few weeks of our blog. The observation you have about consciousness and the off condition is something I've heard and thought about but now that I've read your essay, I'll look at it in a fresh light--so thanks for that.

    So even though I promised hugs and a bonk to anyone that didn't hurry out of here, I'll bonk you anyway--just to make sure we meet in between.

    Love, Dub

  2. I think even the laws of nature evolve and change. You're a good friend, Rick. Come and go as you please.

